Why is this not a Movie yet?
El Lector - The Legend
of the Cigar Factory Reader
This book would make a good movie.
A cigar factory reader is a Cuban tradition. From the late 1800s to the pre-Depression 1920s, the reader (El Lector) would sit on an elevated platform all day and read newspapers, romance and adventure novels and even classic literature. They helped the tabaqueros (cigarmakers) ease the monotony. Readers were paid for by the workers. In fact, factory owners were not crazy about them being there. They merely tolerated them. After all, the reader would fill their staff with ideas. Dangerous. Many got banned for stirring the pot.
Coming soon, Javier Bardem as... El Lector. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón. Starring Antonio Banderas, Andy Garcia, Oscar Isaac, Bobby Cannavale, Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Eva Mendes, Desi Arnaz, Jr., Steven Bauer and Rosario Dawson.
The plot? Maybe El Lector one day tells the tabaqueros that he received an anonymous letter that was so heartbreaking that he simply must share it. And again, the next day, another. Who is this that writes so beautifully? He starts reading the long letters each day and slowly a transformation occurs. The workers are touched. Inspired. Energized. Set on fire with passion, love, and innovation. How does this mystery writer know the soul of the community so well? Then the letters begin to change. They begin to foretell of events that have not yet occurred. They warn the workers about dangerous days ahead. And that day arrives. And they were right! The jai-alai fronton burns up one night with everybody inside. Oh no! The letters are divine. They are magical prophecies. The workers can't go about their lives without hearing the next letter. And one day, when the letters stop, a panic ensues. Hysteria. So much disruption occurs that the factory boss bans El Lector from the premises. But then... but then...
And who is this El Lector anyway? Nobody knew who he was when one day he suddenly showed up. He's the devil. That's who he is. We're sure of it. Find him. He wrote those letters, didn't he? Didn't he?
Well, that would be the movie I want to see. Copyright Kolbgil. Trademark. Trademark. Ipso facto duodenem.
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