Sunday, November 19, 2017

On my couch over coffee this morning, while staring at my big toe, it occurred to me that my beloved Kenner toy Hugo: Man of a Thousand Faces may be in actuality an occult representation of "The Beast" Aleister Crowley. Why "Hugo?" Look up Victor Hugo and see his writings on Jewish mysticism. Also look up the doll's creator, make-up artist and screenwriter Alan Ormsby and some of his projects like the movies "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" and "Cat People." He also did "My Bodyguard" and Disney's "Mulan." I like him. But I bet he wouldn't like me. I have no faith nor convictions, especially regarding anybody nicknamed "The Beast." I don't have it anymore, but I wonder if the Kenner toy box had these instructions on it: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

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